Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Your Upcoming Speech

Hello Freshman,

So far I'm very happy with your enthusiasm for this class.  You all try to participate, and show each other proper respect and politeness during the exchanges.  Keep up the good work.

Regarding your speech, here are the details and expectations:

  • Step 1 - Choose a personal topic that is interesting.  You can choose a "Motivational Speech" or "Inspirational Speech" model.  Click the links to learn more.  Keep in mind I want you to incorporate your own personal experience - perhaps telling a story with an underlying message. Avoid cliches and common subjects.
  • Step 2 - Write it out.  A 5 minute speech will probably be about 500 words (depending on how fast you talk).  Even if you know what you want to say (or think you do), I still want to see it on paper before you go ahead and speak in front of the class.  I will ask you to complete a second draft as well.
  • Step 3 - Practice.  Practice in front of your homates.  Get some feedback. Of course, know that volume, eye contact, confidence, and fluency are important.  Common sense, right? 
  • Step 4 - Give your speech in class.  Get feedback.
  • Step 5 - Give your speech in the auditorium.  Get your final score.
  • Step 6 - Think about competing in the KMLA Speech Contest in June.:)
When is the rough draft due?  March 20th/21st. has many wonderful speeches for you to watch here . I think the one we saw in class was a great example, and of course there is always the famous Steve Jobs speech.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Hello Freshman! I hope your first week of KMLA has been everything you hoped it would be (or maybe even what it wouldn't be), and I'm looking forward to having fun with our small group.  As far as I know, this class will have 7 students, which is truly the perfect size for a class that is driven mostly by "the art of conversation."

Just to be clear, I posted the details of this class on the KMLA website as follows:

Description: The purpose of this class is to develop the critical thinking and participation skills that KMLA's unique education system requires. In a "roundtable discussion" environment, students will be asked to introduce discussion topics which we will then discuss withiin an informal debate structure. Using multimedia sources, such as videos, articles, and various websites, students will be asked to create blog which we will use within class to generate interesting discussions. Videos from will play an important role.

Both digital presentation and public speaking skills will also be touched upon, as students will be expected to deliver both as class assignments. Mixing in some Debate, Public Speaking, and Current Issues, this class is not as simple as a "conversation class," but does intend to be fun, educational, and active.
Grading: 성적산출방법 (Grading Policy) 등록(Grade)

기말고사 (Final Exam) - Argumentative Essay 20%
과제물 수행 (Assignments) - Public Speaking, Discussions, Debate, Speech 40%
수업중 활동 (Classroom Activities) - General Participation 40%

교과서 및 교수-학습자료 (Textbook and other teaching-learning materials)
TBA, but mainly various articles, websites, videos and excerpts from respected authors etc. 

독서평가 방법(Evaluation Method) Students will be graded heavily on their individual participation in class. KMLA requires students to engage with their peers in a respectful group environment, so paying attention and offering opinions is highly encouraged. Speeches, Presentations, and small writing assignments on blogs will make up a great deal of the final grade.
독서평가 시기(Evaluation Period)
예) 5월 4주째 (4th Week of May)
  강의 진도 계획 (Tentative Class Schedule)  *강의 주제만 모아 주세요 (Class Topics Only)
Note: This is a tentative schedule.

Week 1: Ice breakers, and setting up blogs at
Week 2: Introduction to public speaking. Schedule for student speeches set.
Week 3: Review of a video. Schedule for student-led discussions set.
Week 4: Student's Choice - student led discussions.
Week 5: The Story of Stuff - discussion, informal debate, written responses assigned.
Week 6: First Speeches, peer feedback
Week 7: First Speeches, peer feedback
Week 8: Midterms
Week 9: Digital Presentations - introduction, modeled after Schedule planned.
Week 10: Film Review/Discussion
Week 11: Student's Choice - student led discussions
Week 12: Short Story Review/Discussion
Week 13: Formal Parliamentary Debates
Week 14: Student's Choice. Student Led Discussions
Week 15: Digital Presentations
Week 16: Digital Presentations
Week 17: Final Examination

Note: The above is very general, and will be subject to change.  We have 4 hours a week together which is definitely a lot, so we will have a great deal of opportunity to explore many different things.  While the class title is "English Conversation," I don't want you to think of it as a typical hakwon-style class where we flip through a text-book and talk.   Our purpose is to learn and communicate while developing critical-thinking.  The more you participate, the more you'll succeed.

As discussed in class, I will expect you to start a blog using  When you have completed the process, please reply below this post with a message indicating your name and blog URL.  Thanks!